As I said last blog, I was visiting Thailand last week for a visa run. Whoo, boy! It sure was a fun visit! I learned much for my job back in my designated country. I met a few national Thai Deaf people and other workers from America at the same job as I am now. I also got to sight-see a little of Thailand as well. In all, last week sure was enjoyable!
On Sunday we flew there at 10pm, but landed there at 2am Monday. We sure were tired, but that didn't stop us from waking up at 8am for breakfast! I wanted to protest, but I did not. After breakfast was done, we headed to the canal for a boat taxi. Yep, a boat taxi! The canal sure was wide and long. I enjoyed feeling the air whipping in my face as we sped down the canal to our location. The location was my designated country's embassy. I filled out the paperwork and got confirmation from a bank about payment, and went on my merry way. Oh wait, except the whole ordeal of finding the bank that is! Thai people sure give weird directions. We went the roundabout way, and walked. We were very tired when we arrived at the bank. On the way back, we found a shorter way! That was quite a laugh when we found out we could have saved so much walking. Anyways, we went back to the guest house to meet a Deaf worker and a couple that does the same work in northern Thailand. We went out to eat for a very late lunch and that's about it for Monday!
The next day, breakfast at 8am again. This time I made sure to have plenty of night rest unlike Monday! After that, we went to the embassy around 10am via boat taxi again. When we arrived there, we found out we could only pick up visas between 3pm to 5pm! Can anyone say "wasted trip?" Anyways, we went back to the guest house to rest just a little longer before heading out. We headed out in the afternoon to go to a coffee shop run by workers just like me situated in Thailand. We ate there, and we signed to each other. It was quite a fun experience and I learned just a little more about what my work meant to Deaf people wherever the Father may place me. We finished talking around late afternoon. We all decided to go to the Deaf worker's place of residence. This is when I got to ride the SKY TRAIN! Of course, this is just a normal metro that Americans would see as well in our urban cities such as New York or Atlanta. However, that did not stop my glee as I had a good view of Thailand as we sped across the sky! I noticed Thailand has many malls and places to eat. This is, of course, one of the popular tourist spots. We were planning on hanging out with Deaf nationals that the Deaf worker knows, but we waited too late at the residence and they left. Oh well. We simply went back to the guest house and slept for the next day.
Wednesday, we had breakfast again at 8am (sensing a pattern yet?). For the day, the Deaf workers and us decided to go sight-seeing. We went to one of their favorite malls. They had cars on the fourth floor! And I do mean the WHOLE fourth floor was filled with cars. That is a typical mall in Thailand, each floor focusing on one aspect of shopping. One floor could be clothes, the other makeup, and another books, and so on. However, each floor was HUGE! Each floor took about 10 minutes to walk the length of it. It was quite a sight, but my legs and feet hurt after that experience! We took a break for lunch. It was at this time that I continued learning about what my future could be in this line of work as well as my current work and how to do more effectively at it. This was a great learning discussion for me and I'm grateful to the Deaf worker for imparting his knowledge to me. Afterwards, we looked around the mall some more until it was close to 3pm. We went back to the embassy and successfully picked up my visa with no hassle at all! I honestly don't remember the rest of the day from this point, so on to Thursday!
Thursday, breakfast 8am. Moving on! This was the day the couple was going back to northern Thailand, so we hung out at their favorite mall. They left around the afternoon after we had lunch. I had Krispy Kreme for desert that lunch! MMMM! Anyways, we sorta shopped a little. I didn't buy anything, but my supervisors did. Not much to say about this day, except we did a lot of sight seeing in just one particular mall. My legs and feet hurt a lot this day, so I was glad to get home.
Friday, the day we leave. We shopped some more. We had a Thai massage this day as well. I didn't really like it as it hurt constantly, oh well. Then we went back to our designated country for a well-deserved rest from the whole week.
Saturday, Sunday and today there's not much to tell since I'm stuck indoors due to some circumstances. I hope this journal of my experiences last week prove to be entertaining! Don't be afraid to ask me any questions if you can get in touch with me! Love you all!
On Sunday we flew there at 10pm, but landed there at 2am Monday. We sure were tired, but that didn't stop us from waking up at 8am for breakfast! I wanted to protest, but I did not. After breakfast was done, we headed to the canal for a boat taxi. Yep, a boat taxi! The canal sure was wide and long. I enjoyed feeling the air whipping in my face as we sped down the canal to our location. The location was my designated country's embassy. I filled out the paperwork and got confirmation from a bank about payment, and went on my merry way. Oh wait, except the whole ordeal of finding the bank that is! Thai people sure give weird directions. We went the roundabout way, and walked. We were very tired when we arrived at the bank. On the way back, we found a shorter way! That was quite a laugh when we found out we could have saved so much walking. Anyways, we went back to the guest house to meet a Deaf worker and a couple that does the same work in northern Thailand. We went out to eat for a very late lunch and that's about it for Monday!
The next day, breakfast at 8am again. This time I made sure to have plenty of night rest unlike Monday! After that, we went to the embassy around 10am via boat taxi again. When we arrived there, we found out we could only pick up visas between 3pm to 5pm! Can anyone say "wasted trip?" Anyways, we went back to the guest house to rest just a little longer before heading out. We headed out in the afternoon to go to a coffee shop run by workers just like me situated in Thailand. We ate there, and we signed to each other. It was quite a fun experience and I learned just a little more about what my work meant to Deaf people wherever the Father may place me. We finished talking around late afternoon. We all decided to go to the Deaf worker's place of residence. This is when I got to ride the SKY TRAIN! Of course, this is just a normal metro that Americans would see as well in our urban cities such as New York or Atlanta. However, that did not stop my glee as I had a good view of Thailand as we sped across the sky! I noticed Thailand has many malls and places to eat. This is, of course, one of the popular tourist spots. We were planning on hanging out with Deaf nationals that the Deaf worker knows, but we waited too late at the residence and they left. Oh well. We simply went back to the guest house and slept for the next day.
Wednesday, we had breakfast again at 8am (sensing a pattern yet?). For the day, the Deaf workers and us decided to go sight-seeing. We went to one of their favorite malls. They had cars on the fourth floor! And I do mean the WHOLE fourth floor was filled with cars. That is a typical mall in Thailand, each floor focusing on one aspect of shopping. One floor could be clothes, the other makeup, and another books, and so on. However, each floor was HUGE! Each floor took about 10 minutes to walk the length of it. It was quite a sight, but my legs and feet hurt after that experience! We took a break for lunch. It was at this time that I continued learning about what my future could be in this line of work as well as my current work and how to do more effectively at it. This was a great learning discussion for me and I'm grateful to the Deaf worker for imparting his knowledge to me. Afterwards, we looked around the mall some more until it was close to 3pm. We went back to the embassy and successfully picked up my visa with no hassle at all! I honestly don't remember the rest of the day from this point, so on to Thursday!
Thursday, breakfast 8am. Moving on! This was the day the couple was going back to northern Thailand, so we hung out at their favorite mall. They left around the afternoon after we had lunch. I had Krispy Kreme for desert that lunch! MMMM! Anyways, we sorta shopped a little. I didn't buy anything, but my supervisors did. Not much to say about this day, except we did a lot of sight seeing in just one particular mall. My legs and feet hurt a lot this day, so I was glad to get home.
Friday, the day we leave. We shopped some more. We had a Thai massage this day as well. I didn't really like it as it hurt constantly, oh well. Then we went back to our designated country for a well-deserved rest from the whole week.
Saturday, Sunday and today there's not much to tell since I'm stuck indoors due to some circumstances. I hope this journal of my experiences last week prove to be entertaining! Don't be afraid to ask me any questions if you can get in touch with me! Love you all!
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